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Atefeh Yazdanparast Ardestani, Chair



Dr. Atefeh Yazdanparast is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Clark University School of Management. She earned her Ph.D. in Marketing with a minor in Business Anthropology from the University of North Texas (2012). She also holds a Master of Science in Marketing and a Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Engineering. 


Atefeh studies social psychology of consumer decision making. Her research focuses on sensory marketing and the interplay of consumers and digital technology. Her work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Advertising, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, and Psychology & Marketing.


Atefeh is a recipient of the Master Scholar Award from Marketing Management Association, the Excellence in Teaching Award from the National Society of Leadership and Success, and Teacher of the Year Award from the University of Evansville. She is a member of the editorial review board for Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, International Journal of Bank Marketing, and Journal of Global Marketing and serves as the Chair of the Marketing for Higher Education Special Interest Group for American Marketing Association.


Mathew Joseph, Vice Chair


Dr. Mathew Joseph is the Emil C.E. Jurica Distinguished Professor of Marketing at the Greehey School of Business, St. Mary's University. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Waikato in New Zealand (1995). He also holds a Master of Business Administration degree and a Bachelor of General Studies from Southeast Missouri State University.

He is the author of a number of articles in the areas of cross-cultural marketing, service quality, marketing strategy, health care marketing, electronic marketing, service technology, international advertising and promotion, marketing to Asia and Latin American and marketing education.



Dr. Brian Taillon

Brian Taillon, Vice Chair of Membership Insights & Analytics


Dr. Brian Taillon is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the East Carolina University College of Business. He earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration (Marketing) from New Mexico State University (2017). He also holds an M.B.A. in Strategic Marketing from The University of Akron (2008) and a B.S.B.A. in Marketing Management from Youngstown State University (2005).


Brian’s research interests include marketing communications, consumer responses to mental imagery, digital and social media marketing, health behaviors, and social issues as they relate to marketing. His research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Product & Brand ManagementBasic and Applied Social Psychology, and Journal of Marketing Management, among others. 


Brian teaches Marketing Strategy in the Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management. He currently serves as the Vice Chair of Membership Insights and Analytics for the American Marketing Association (AMA) Higher Education Special Interest Group (Higher Ed SIG).


Brian worked in the hospitality industry as a general manager for a full-service resort hotel. He also taught a variety of marketing courses as an assistant lecturer at The University of Akron.  

Jacqueline Eastman, Vice Chair of Research


Jacqueline K. Eastman (Ph.D, Florida State University) is the Alico Eminent Scholar in Marketing at Florida Gulf Coast University and serves as Co-Editor for the Journal of Consumer Behaviour.  Her higher education leadership experience includes serving as Honors Coordinator, Course Lead for the WebMBA Program and chairing/assisting on several dissertation committees at Georgia Southern University along with serving as MBA Director at Valdosta State University.  Her interests are in consumer behavior (luxury and sustainability), marketing strategy, and social media. She has published over 85 peer-reviewed articles in Marketing in journals including Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, International Marketing Review, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Journal of Marketing Education, and Journal of Supply Chain Management among others.  Her research has been cited over 7700 times per Google Scholar.

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Aqilah Jahari, Vice Chair of International Relations


Siti Aqilah Jahari is an Assistant Professor in Marketing in the Greehey School of Business at St. Mary’s University. Prior to joining the faculty, she was a Lecturer in Marketing at Monash University where she also earned her Ph.D.


Her primary research interests lie in consumer behavior with a specific focus on exploring the social psychology of consumers’ decision-making process. Committed to multi-disciplinary research, her passion for research is driven by drawing on theoretical lenses from psychology and sociology disciplines to explore consumption behavior. Her research has been published in Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Tourism Management, among others. A strong believer in giving back to society, Aqilah Jahari renders her service to the scholarly community by serving the Journal of Consumer Behaviour, as a member of the Editorial Review Board.


Aqilah Jahari currently serves the American Marketing Association (AMA) Higher Education Special Interest Group (Higher Ed SIG) as the Vice Chair of International Relations.

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Divya Ramachandran, Vice Chair of Marketing & Communications and Chair-elect


Divya is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Manitoba, Canada. She earned her Ph.D. in Business Administration (Marketing) from Georgia State University. She also holds a Master of Science in Marketing Research from Michigan State University, and an MBA in Marketing from S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai, India. Prior to academia, she worked in sales and marketing, marketing research, and strategy in telecom, media, and banking sectors. Her research interests include the new-age technology – marketing interface, digital media, customer experience, and customer engagement. Her research has been published in journals such as the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, and Journal of Business Research.


Divya currently serves as the Vice Chair – Marketing and Communications of the American Marketing Association (AMA) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HigherEd SIG). She has previously served as the Assistant Vice Chair of Online Engagement, Chair-Elect, and Chair of AMA Doctoral Student Special Interest Group (DocSIG).


Melanie Moore Koskie, Vice Chair of Membership


Dr. Melanie Moore Koskie has been in graphic design and marketing for 20 years working in various areas including publishing, advertising, and branding. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Louisiana Tech University, where she also earned her PhD in 2024. Melanie's experience and passions in practice—helping brands craft their stories and communicate unique brand identities—guide her research and teaching interests. Together, her experience and curiosity cover a broad range of marketing research that narrows in focus to center around consumer behavior and consumer-based strategy. Her research is published in journals including European Journal of Marketing, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Project and Brand Management, and the Journal of Consumer Marketing. Melanie teaches an MBA class on Brand Management, as well as courses in the Digital Marketing concentration.


Kevin Giang Barrera, Vice Chair of Special Events


Kevin P. Giang Barrera is a doctoral student of Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing at the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University (GSU). He also holds a Master of Science in Marketing from Georgia State University, a Master of Business Administration degree from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV, Brazil), and a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from the Universidad Nacional Experimental del Tachira (UNET, Venezuela).


His research interests focus on the impact of technology in marketing, digital and social media marketing, innovation, and customer experience. His incipient work on the implications of the metaverse for marketing research and practice has been published in the Journal of Business Research.

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Brittany Beck, Vice Chair At-Large


Brittany is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Appalachian State University. She is a doctoral candidate in Business Administration (Marketing) from Louisiana Tech University. She holds a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Louisiana Tech University. Her research considers how digital technologies shape consumer habits and influence well-being. Her primary courses are Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Digital Analytics.


Brittany currently serves as At-Large for the American Marketing Association (AMA) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HigherEd SIG) as well as Chair for the American Marketing Association (AMA) Doctoral Student  Special Interest Group (DocSIG).

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A Special Interest Group of the American Marketing Association

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